Why Are Orcs So Easy to Kill

The Orcs are a hostile species from the Pits of Utumno in Middle-earth, and appear as major antagonists in the Middle-earth saga.


The origins of the Orcs are a mystery, although the most likely case is that they were once Elves who were kidnapped by the First Dark Lord, Morgoth, being tortured by him and experimented on to due to Morgoth's obsession to create life, and bend it to his will.

The Silmarillion

This filled them with rage and anger at their new forms and came under the service of Morgoth until his defeat at the War of Wrath were he was imprisoned in the Void until the Dagor Dagorath.

They were bred by Morgoth in Utumno, his first fortress, and then they were unleashed to Middle-earth during the Fourth Age of the Stars. This murderous assault of the Orcs took the Elves by surprise, for they had been living years of peace and were unaccustomed to Monsters or war. The Orcs assaulted the initially defenseless Elves but then the Elves went to the Dwarves of the kingdoms of Nogrod and Belegost and they paid for weapons. The Dwarves forged them swords and then they killed all the Orcs and drove them out of the land of Beleriand. This was the First Battle.

At the end of the Ages of Stars, the Orcs marched out in open war, and the Wars of Beleriand started. The Orcs came out of Angband, Morgoth's new Headquarters, in black armor and armed with poisoned blades, and they assailed the Elvish armies. They were met by King Thingol and King Denethor's Gray Elves, who slaughtered all the Orcish armies. This was the Second Battle, the Dagor-nuin-Giliath, in the Elvish Noldor tongue.

The Orcs were conquering everyplace, so the Elves all teamed up and drove the Orcs back into Angband, slaughtering many on the way. This was the "Glorious Battle" for although many Elves fell, the Orcs were indeed imprisoned within their own Fortress along with Morgoth and thus began the Siege of Angband. This siege was successful, but then suddenly the siege broke and Morgoth sent tongues of flame out of Angband's volcanoes to burn up all the Noldor. This was successful; only a small portion of the Noldor survived and the Orcs could once again break free and slay any Elves they wanted.

The Noldor met their final defeat in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, where the Orcs had grown so numerous that they ambushed the Elves and through human treachery, the Orcs prevailed. They killed every Noldor on the battle and went on to conquer Beleriand and other parts of Middle-earth and would have won had not Earendil, father of Elrond, sailed to Valinor to plead for the Valar's assistance in freeing Middle-earth from the terror the Orcs installed. The Valar agreed to end Morgoth and his reign and they went to Middle-earth and completely obliterated the Orc legions and forced the few survivors to flee into the Mountains and they cowered under the Earth, fearing those outside. But even though the Valar did conquer Morgoth and force him out into the Void, the Orcs still survived inside the Earth, in caverns and pits, waiting for a leader to announce himself.

The Hobbit

A Dark Age began in the Third Age of the Sun when a dark form named the Necromancer appeared in Dol Guldur, an evil kingdom in Mirkwood. This Necromancer gathered to him numerous Orcs, and although many believed he was a Ringwraith or just a human, the Necromancer was revealed, through the efforts of Gandalf, who bravely went into Dol Guldur, to be the Maiar Sauron returned from the Downfall of Numenor. Sauron had regained all his former power. Dol Guldur attracted all of the Ringwraiths, also known as the Nazgul, and the Necromancer began his assault on Middle-earth.

Thorin Oakenshield had been driven from his kingdom of Erebor by Smaug the evil Dragon, and so Thorin made a bargain with Gandalf to reclaim it. They recruited the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins into stealing back their treasure, and arrived after many perilous adventures at the Lonely Mountain, and Smaug was eventually killed by the human Bard the Bowman.

However, the Dwarves and Bilbo had run in with Orcs in the Misty Mountains, sheltering from Giants during a storm, wherein Orcs captured them and were going to eat them upon realizing their allegiance with Elves, until Gandalf stepped in, killed the Great Goblin, and put out the lights with his magic, causing the Orcs to panic and go mad. The Dwarves and Bilbo fled, and they were pursued by Orcs. The Orcs caught up with them and they had to kill them. Bilbo was seperated from the Dwarves in the chaos, and wound up finding the One Ring and putting the fate of Middle-earth in his hands.

Once they learned of Smaug's death, the Orcs plotted in their Headquarters, Mount Gungabad, to kill everybody at the Lonely Mountain. So they travelled underground, and by night, to the Mountain, where half of them were completely killed by the Elves. Then the Dwarves and the humans of Esgaroth also attacked, and this decimated more Orcs. They were joined by the Eagles and the human Beorn, who had taken on bear shape, and he killed their leader, Bolg. This put many Orcs shrieking to flight and they were hunted down by Elves and almost all the Orcs in the North died.

The Lord of the Rings

As of the Third Age 3018, Sauron no longer used the name of the Necromancer, and openly declared himself. He had tortured the creature Gollum, who had carried the Ring for 500 years, and from him learned that the Ring was in the possession of a hobbit named "Baggins" in the Shire. After sending his Black Riders after the Ring, Sauron assailed Gondor with his Orcs. Once the Hobbits Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took reached Gondor and Rohan, the Orcs were already attacking. Meriadoc and Peregrin were ambushed and kidnapped by Orcs and made to run through Rohan with them before the Orcs were killed by the Rohirrim.

The traitorous wizard Saruman had made a new breed of Orc-Men hybrids: the Uruk-hai. When these creatures ambushed Helm's Deep, they were all killed by the arrival of the Rohirrim and the Huorn Trees of Fangorn Forest.

The Uruk-hai.

However, Sauron had doubled Saruman's Uruks, and although Saruman had been defeated by Gandalf and apparently imprisoned in his Tower of Orthanc, the Orcs and Uruks were declaring war on Gondor. Peregrin went to Minas Tirith, capital of Gondor, with Gandalf, to warn Denethor the Steward of the invasion, and Merry remained in Rohan and had to prepare for war. Then the Orcs all invaded, but were once again defeated by the Rohirrim.

Merry and Pippin, along with Gandalf and Aragorn, went to Mordor itself to the Black Gate to tell Sauron to surrender. However, instead of coming forth, he unleashed his remaining forces. This was his greatest force, held back in Mordor until what he judged to be his victory and the final battle. It was the final battle, but only for the Orcs, who were all killed when the One Ring was destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. Thus all the Orcs went mad since Sauron's control was gone, and they slew themselves or ran into caves and hid.

In the movies, however, when Barad-dur explodes and Mount Doom erupts, a massive earthquake begins which breaks the fault line in Mordor, and the ensuing earthquake swallows half of the Orc army, leaving the rest fleeing. Still many thousands remain, but they are nowhere large enough to pose such a threat again, without Sauron they are powerless.

A goblin from Moria (Moria Orc).

Although all the Orcs in Mordor were gone, many Orcs in Khazad-dum still survived.

Kinds of Orcs

  • Black Uruks (Mordor Uruk-hai)
  • Goblins (Orcs of the Misty Mountains)
  • Gundabad Orcs
  • Hobgoblin
  • Morannon Orcs
  • Morgul Orcs
  • Moria Orcs
  • Snagae
  • Orcs of Isengard
  • Orcs of Mordor

Orc Man Hybrids

  • Black Uruks
  • Half-orc
  • Hobgoblin
  • Ruffians (Saruman's thugs)
  • Squint-eyed Southerner (agent of Saruman)
  • Uruks of the White Hand (Uruk-hai)


Main article: The Uruk-hai

The Uruk-hai were a larger and more advanced breed of Orc that appeared during the Third Age, created by Saruman (not to be confused with Sauron's Black Uruks which were smaller) during the War of the Ring. When Isengard was destroyed, they fled into the forest where they were killed by trees.


Main article: Goblins (Middle-earth)

Goblins are what Tolkien called the Orcs that Thorin and Company encountered in the book The Hobbit. They lived deep under the Misty Mountains in many strongholds, ever since the War of Wrath in the First Age.


  • How Morgoth created the Orcs is up for much debate, because Tolkien himself says "Who has explored the mind of Morgoth?" This being said, the creation of Orcs is entirely open to speculation. There is a disturbing theory that, as Orcs are bow-legged, Morgoth smashed their legs in repeatedly, thus breaking them, and over time their descendants "healed" to being a bow-legged creature. Also, their elongated arms could be the result of Morgoth gruesomely stretching them on racks or from his hanging them from chains on high vaulted subterranean halls. And finally, their charred black skin could simply be the result of his burning them alive through intense flame.


WBLogo.png Villains

Animated Features
Meowrice | Meowrice's Henchmen | Dragons (Smaug) | Gollum | Goblins (Great Goblin) | Trolls | Sauron | Black Númenóreans (Mouth of Sauron) | Nazgûl (Witch-king of Angmar) | Orcs (Lord of the Lash) | Fellbeasts | Ommadon | Bryagh | Chaplins (Boogaloo Jones) | Officer Shapiro | Rozzie's Dad | Synonomess Botch | Mouse King | Mouse Queen | Joker | Phantasm | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski | Grundel Toad | Berkeley Beetle | Mr. Mole | Mrs. Toad | Ms. Fieldmouse | Queen Gnorga | King Llort | Drake | Leopard Seal | Mr. Swackhammer | Monstars | Darla Dimple | Max | Mrs. Prysselius | Thunder Karlsson and Bloom | Ruber | Griffin | Ruber's Minions | Bladebeak | Eric Cartman | Saddam Hussein | Sheila Broflovski | Satan | Mr. Garrison | Chef | Randy Marsh | Shelly Marsh | Gerald Broflovski | Kent Mansley | Kralahome | Master Little | King Salazar | The Jokerz (Dee Dee Twins, Chucko & Woof) | Count Grisham | Cheswick | Black Mouth | Brutus | Thrax | Mayor Phlegmming | Thrax's Henchmen | Mojo Jojo | Gangreen Gang | Mr. Chairman | Bob Smith | Robo Dog | Anubis | Seto Kaiba | Dark Yugi | Pegasus J. Crawford | Mokuba Kaiba | Marik Ishtar | Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet | Outback Ollie | Rico and Mikey | Barkis Bittern | Maudeline Everglot | Finis Everglot | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mister Mxyzptlk | Stan Beals | Wasps | Noah the Elder | Leopard Seal | Killer Whales | Aguila | Stone Generals (Gato, Mono & Serpiente) | Karai | Foot Clan | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Dragon | Big Black Monster | Count Dooku | Asajj Ventress | Jabba the Hutt | Emperor Palpatine | Eddy's Brother | Kanker Sisters | Kevin | Sarah | Surtr | Nyra | Kludd | Allomere | Jatt and Jutt | Pure Ones | Doomberg | Jimbo Farrar | Lee Mishon | Gil Yepes | Liza Everton | Sammy Goldberg | Harry Sparks | Lorenzo Carvahal and Diaz Arnesto | Jimbo's parents | Lord Business | Super Secret Police (Bad Cop & Sheriff Not-A-Robot) | Duplo Aliens | Mr. Ross | Future Mordecai | Rigby | Benson Dunwoody | Muscle Man | Hunter | Pigeon Toady | Wolf Pack | Penguins | Joker (Lego) | Harley Quinn (Lego) | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman (Lego) | Poison Ivy (Lego) | Two-Face (Lego) | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni | Count Dracula | Imhotep | Lord Garmadon | Slade (TTG) | Balloon Man (TTG) | Lex Luthor (TTG) | Stonekeeper | Rex Dangervest | Velociraptors (Lego) | Foot Clan (Shredder) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT), Ubu (Batman vs. TMNT) & Talia al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT)) | Joker (Batman vs. TMNT) | Harley Quinn (Batman vs. TMNT) | Scarecrow (Batman vs. TMNT) | Mr. Freeze (Batman vs. TMNT) | Poison Ivy (Batman vs. TMNT) | Bane (Batman vs. TMNT) | Two-Face (Batman vs. TMNT) | Penguin (Batman vs. TMNT) | Hexagon (Trigon (TTG) & Trigon (2003)) | Spinel | Pink Diamond | Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | Dick Dastardly (2020) | Muttley (2020) | Rotten Robots | Dusty | Cerberus | National Wildlife Control (Agent Trout) | Vilgax | Kevin Levin | Steam Smythe | Terrance Mendoza | Butch | Al-G Rhythm | Pete | Goon Squad | Shinnok | One Being | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Sektor | Cyrax | Mileena | Smoke | Reiko | Kintaro | Jade | D'Vorah | Katz | Le Quack | Eustace Bagge | Cythonna (DCSHG) | Lulu | Lex Luthor (DCLOSP) | Whiskers | Mercy Graves (DCLOSP)

Live-Action Films
Prince John | Sir Guy of Gisbourne | High Sheriff of Nottingham | Dickon Malbete | Bishop of the Black Canons | Wicked Witch of the West | Kasper Gutman | Joel Cairo | Major Heinrich Strasser | Signor Ugarte | Signor Ferrari | Rhedosaurus | Giant Carpenter Ants | Alex's Droogs (Alex DeLarge) | Billy Boy | Scorpio | Han | Bolo | O'Hara | Johnny Ronchelli | Billy | Ben | Toecutter | Toecutter's Gang (Bubba Zanetti, Nightrider & Johnny the Boy) | Overlook Hotel | Jack Torrance | Hotel Caretaker | Lorraine Massey | Lord Humungus | Lord Humungus' Marauders (Wez) | Roy Batty | Pris Stratton | Leon Kowalski | Zhora Salome | Norma Cassidy | Cujo | Socs (Bob Sheldon, Randy Adderson, Paul Holden & David) | Mrs. Cade | Maximillian Largo | Fatima Blush | Scut Farkus | Grover Dill | David "Noodles" Aaronson | Maximilian "Max" Bercovicz | Frankie Monaldi | Jimmy Conway O'Donnell | Bugsy | Stripe | Ruby Deagle | Gremlins | Mama Fratelli | Jake Fratelli | Francis Fratelli | Mr. Perkins | Troy Perkins | Aunty Entity | Ironbar Bassey | Francis Buxton | Sam & Sid Sleaze | Townspeople | Julie | Gail | Neil and Pepe | Albert | Audrey II | Orin Scrivello | Peter McAllister | Shadow Company (Jack Joshua, Dixie, Endo, Gustaf & Larch) | Michael Hunsaker | Gunnery Sergeant Hartman | Private Gomer Pyle | Door Gunner | Mr. Igoe | Max | David | Sergeant Nagata | Peter Dellaplane | Harlan Rook | Beetlejuice | Sandworms | Hughie Warriner | Gale Nolan | Thomas Perry | Richard Cameron | The Joker | Bob the Goon | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Arjen Rudd | Pieter Vorstedt | Hans | Howard Hyde | Walter Boyett | Zack Gregory | Witches (Grand High Witch, Susan Irvine, Nicola Cuttle, Pamela, Lois Leffour, Mildred, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Jacqueline & Beatrice) | Brain Gremlin | Daffy | George | Greta | Lenny | Secretary Gremlin | Bat Gremlin | Electric Gremlin | Cushing Catheter | Jimmy Conway | Tommy DeVito | Paul Cicero | Henry Hill | Billy Batts | Tuddy Cicero | Parnell Edwards | Fat Andy | Jimmy Two-Times | Robert McMahon | Joe Manri | Frankie Carbone | King Claudius | Michael Franzese | Nino Brown | Richie Madano | Vinnie Madono | Ronny Delaney | The Devil | Mrs. Sturak | Sheriff George of Nottingham | Guy of Gisbourne | Mortianna | Bishop of Hereford | Funekei Yoshida | Sato | Tanaka | Muto | Ito | Hardboy | Hagata | Earl Talbot Blake | Kim | Sheldon Marcone | Milo | Fence Shooter | Heather Evans | Jaapie Botha | Colonel Breyton | Ashoka Ghatak | Gorman Lennox | Greg Meeker | Jack Travis | Tyrone | Hatchett | Billy Phelps | Smitty | Hubie Smith | Hershel | Darryl Smithers | Penguin | Max Shreck | Catwoman | Red Triangle Circus Gang | Emperor Tod Spengo | General Afir | Little Bill Daggett | William Munny | Mr. Spike | Robo-Cat | Charles Rane | Sabrina Ritchie | Forget | Vincent | Matthew | William Strannix | Peter Krill | Daumer | Greg Portman | William Foster | Nick the Neo-Nazi | Victor the Cleaner | Adrian Forrester | Bob Alexander | Pod People | Switchblade Sam | Dial | Wade | Dr. Charles Nichols | Frederick Sykes | Vincenzo Coccotti | Lee Donowitz | Drexl Spivey | Virgil | Simon Phoenix | Raymond Cocteau | Mouse King | Sidney J. Mussburger | Aloysius | Ray Finkle | Vinnie and Roc | Samuel Norton | Byron Hadley | Bogs Diamond | Elmo Blatch | Sisters | Lawrence Van Dough | Ferguson | HAL 9000 | Lestat | Armand | Santiago | Mickey and Mallory | Wayne Gale | Ned Trent | Joe Leon | John Milner | Bill Wilcox | Ilya Pavel Kazak | Rosa | Leonid Volkov | Zhukov | Stefan | Emilio Juantorena | Navigator | Codebreaker | Baker | Clarice Kensington | Miss Minchin | Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang | Salvatore Maroni | Travis Dane | Marcus Penn | Female Mercenary | Miguel Bain | Daryll Lee Cullum | Peter Foley | Vincent Cadby | Neil McCauley | Waingro | Roger van Zant | Jonas Miller | Daniel Harper | Robert Deguerin | Carl Lee Hailey | Rufus Buckley | Freddie Lee Cobb | Billy Ray Cobb & Pete Williard | Mr. Swackhammer | Monstars | Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) | Yolanda Saldívar | Captain Dudley Smith | Pierce Patchett | Ellis Loew | Richard "Dick" Stensland | Mickey Cohen | Michael Breuning | William Carlisle | Leland "Buzz" Meeks | Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Jason Woodrue | John Wesley | Wesley's Whalers | John Milton | Christabella Andreoli | Lloyd Gettys | Wah Sing Ku | Benny Chan | Fan, Chu & Yee | George Proody | Four Fathers (James Wing Chow, Fan Wong, Michael Sing Ku & Li Lum Chong) | General | Captain | Grant Frost | Dr. Philip Adams | Agent Smith | Cypher Reagan | Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Dr. Arliss Loveless | Susan McCallister | Jim Whitlock | Mako Sharks | William Wharton | Percy Wetmore | Kathy Morningside | Jeremy Melton | Lewis Strutt | Stanley Jobson | Gabriel Shear | Mr. Tinkles | Calico | The Russian | Thrax | Mayor Phlegmming | Thrax's Henchmen | Alonzo Harris | Roger | Lord Voldemort | Quirinus Quirrell | Draco Malfoy | Mountain Troll | The Dursleys | Argus Filch | Terry Benedict | Burke Bennett | Frank Stokes | Merv Green | Buggy Ding Dong | Parade of Hope | Rainbow Randolph | Morlocks (Über-Morlock) | Richard Haywood | Justin Pendleton | Walter Finch | Scrappy-Doo | N' Goo Tuana | Zarkos | Demons | Luna Ghost | Akasha | Spiders (Consuela & Tank) | Mayor Wade | Alistair Pratt | Jeannine Richardson | Jack Ferriman | Francesca | Lucius Malfoy | Basilisk | Gilderoy Lockhart | Acromantula (Aragog & Acromantula Colony) | Salvatore Maggio | Frankie Lombardo | Mr. Smith Mr. Gray | Byrus | Machines (The Architect) | The Merovingian | Agent Thompson | Agent Jackson | Twins | Bane | Vamps | T-X | T-1 | Skynet | Deus Ex Machina | Trainman | Mr. Chairman | Bob Smith | Robo Dog | Henry James | Jay McPherson | China | Luther | Martin Asher | Jonathan Jacobo | Samuel Bicke | Peter Pettigrew | Dementors | Marge Dursley | Stan Shunpike | Fiona Montgomery | Shelby Cummings | Brianna Montgomery | Gabriella Montgomery | Patience Phillips/Catwoman | Hedare Beauty (Laurel Hedare & George Hedare) | Clara Dalrymple | Sir Trenton | Trenton's Pride | Gabriel | Mammon | Balthazar | Lucifer Morningstar | Bo Sinclair | Vincent Sinclair | Guy of Lusignan | Raynald of Châtillon | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow | Carmine Falcone | League of Shadows (Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) | Victor Zsasz | Arthur Slugworth | Dr. Bernard Merrick | Tom Lincoln | Boss Hogg | Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane | Barty Crouch Jr. | Nagini | Igor Karkaroff | Rita Skeeter | Bill Cox | V | Adam Sutler | Lewis Prothero | Norsefire | Peter Creedy | Anthony Lilliman | Delia Surridge | Light Yagami | Lex Luthor | German Drinking Team | Cherry | Sister Summersisle | Frank Costello | Arnold French | Colin Sullivan | Captain Vidal | Pale Man | Colonel Coetzee | Captain Poison | Oliver Potter | Walter Sparrow | Zodiac Killer | Arthur Leigh Allen | Xerxes | Willy Bank | Dolores Umbridge | Bellatrix Lestrange | Ministry of Magic (Cornelius Fudge & John Dawlish) | Kreacher | Centaurs | Karen Crowder | Sam | Steven Wilkins | Mr. Kreeg | Laurie | Macy | Alpha Male | Darkseekers | Sweeney Todd | Nellie Lovett | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Jonas Fogg | Adolfo Pirelli | Ellie Layton | Royalton Industries (Arnold Royalton & Cruncher Block) | Snake Oiler | Agent 23 | KAOS (Siegfried) | Dalip | Shtarker | Joker | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | Gambol | Joker's Thugs | Spider | Smokie | T-RIP | Serena Kogan | Severus Snape | Fenrir Greyback | Esther Coleman | Mr. Black | Principal Deedle | Ezekial Gallows | Prudence Prufrock | Alexa Concannon | Babyface Killer | Wilson Concannon | Arlington Steward | Decoy Queen | Lord Henry Blackwood | Lord Coward | Irene Adler | Rolf Woods | Kitty Galore | Paws | Mayor Brown | Chief of Staff | Carnegie | Wanda Grubwort | Lake Monster | Mal Cobb | Rodney Cole | Martin B | Elizabeth Harris | The Accountant | Jonah King | Blue Jones | James Moriarty | Sebastian Moran | Keith Clayton | Angelique Bouchard | Dr. Julia Hoffman | Collins Family | Bane | Talia al Ghul | Barsad | Catwoman | John Daggett | Hades | Kraken | Acrisius | Medusa | Prokopion | Charon | Kronos | Ares | Cyclopes | Minotaur | Makhai | Azog | Smaug | Witch-king of Angmar | Sauron | Gollum | Mickey Cohen | Jay Gatsby | Daisy Buchanan | Tom Buchanan | Myrtle Wilson | George Wilson | General Fallon | Giants | Lord Roderick | Wickie | Precursors | Kaiju (Trespasser, Knifehead, Mutavore, Otachi, Leatherback, Raiju, Scunner, Onibaba & Slattern) | Bathsheba Sherman | Annabelle the Doll | Keller Dover | Holly Jones | Pearly Soames | Lucifer | Artemisia | R.I.F.T. (Bree Nevins) | M.U.T.O. | Mimics | Disciples of the Ram (Annabelle Higgins & Thin Man) | Dr. Mann | Balem Abrasax | Titus Abrasax | Immortan Joe | Cult of the V8 (Rictus Erectus, Prime Imperator, Bullet Farmer, People Eater, Organic Mechanic, Coma-Doof Warrior, Nux, Slit, Ace, Morsov & War Boys) | Daniel Riddick | Susan Riddick | Tyler Harne | Deputy Stack | Emilio | Victoria Vinciguerra | Ricky Conlan | Apollo Creed | Bodhi | Samsara | Valak | Léon Rom | Lamar Blackburn | Braxton | Gellert Grindelwald | Credence Barebone | New Salem Philanthropic Society (Mary Lou Barebone) | Gnarlak | Skullcrawlers (Skull Devil) | Preston Packard | King Vortigern | Mordred | Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) | Pennywise | Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) | Alvin Marsh | Butch Bowers | Leonard Dekkom | Duncan Taylor | Phoenix Buchanan | Homunculi (Lust, Envy, Gluttony & Mannequin Soldiers) | Major General Hakuro | Father Cornello | Shou Tucker | Truth | Mathias Vogel | Ana Miller | Nolan Sorrento | Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F'Nale Zandor & Sixers) | Claire Wyden | Brett Wyden | George, Ralph and Lizzie | Damian Lewis | Jack Morris | Duke of St. Carta | Vinda Rosier | Abernathy | Queenie Goldstein | Gunnar Grimmson | Krall | Carrow | Corvus Lestrange | Ivan Drago | Viktor Drago | Ludmilla Drago | Shere Khan | Tabaqui | La Llorona | Patricia Alvarez | Howard Clifford | Ditto | Sebastian | Ann Laurent | King Ghidorah | Rodan | Alan Jonah | Asher Jonah | Emma Russell | The Bride | The Black Shuck | The Ferryman | The Samurai | Toy Monkey | Maryville Cemetery Ghosts | Critters | The Banana Splits (Fleegle, Drooper, Snorky & Bingo) | Poppy | Karl | Leo | Cry Baby | Kelly | The Principal | The Biology Teacher | Webby Garton | Steven Dubay | Chris Unwin | Tom Rogan | Arthur Fleck | Penny Fleck | Clowns (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend | Rose the Hat | The True Knot | Andrei Sator | Priya Singh | Zelda | Consuella | Esmerelda | Saoirse | Terrance Mendoza | Butch | Mechagodzilla | Apex Cybernetics (Walter Simmons, Ren Serizawa & Maia Simmons) | Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara | Shao Kahn | Al-G Rhythm | Pete | Goon Squad | Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Count Glossu Rabban | Piter de Vries | Helen Mohiam | Gabriel | The Analyst | Riddler | Penguin | Carmine Falcone | Joker

Animated Television
The Grinch | Snow Miser | Heat Miser | Brutus | Plato | Tax Collectors | Jack Frost | Aeon the Terrible | Winterbolt | Scratcher | Sam Spangles | Ice Dragons | Genie of the Ice Scepter | Old Mag the Hag | King Awgwa | Smoke | The Machine | The Shark | Cousin Mel | I.M. Slime | Montana Max | Elmyra Duff | The Brain | Katie Ka-Boom | Satan | Walter Wolf | Sid the Squid | Beanie the Bison | Snowball | General Parvo | Werewolves | General Grievous | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Wat Tambor | Son | Savage Opress | Riff Tamson | Pong Krell | Keeper Agruss | Darth Maul | Saw Gerrera | North Wind | Hervnick Z. Snerz | Goat | Yes-Man | The Dooka of Yookia | The Dookess of Zookia | Philip Trousers | Marilyn Blouse

Live-Action Television
Kurt Barlow | Richard Straker | Marsten House | Jack Mac Gruder | Gavin Belson | Jian-Yang | Tito Flores | Gideon Lyon | Eddie Flores | Ronnie Delgrado | Levon Tibibian | Nathan Riggs | Tom Barnes | Sofia Vasquez | Calvin Marks | Tom Kessler | Sven Olsen | Victor Vasquez | Father Blackwood | Billy Marlin | Madame Satan | Weird Sisters (Prudence Blackwood, Agatha Night, Dorcas Night) | Batibat | Crimson Avenger | Plague Kings (Beelzebub, Asmodeus & Purson) | The Pagans (Pan, Circe & Nagaina) | Green Man | Caliban | Jimmy Platt | Dorian Gray | Bartel | Jerathmiel | Mehitable | Aphophis | Satan

Video Games
Alma Wade | Paxton Fettel | The Creep | Armacham Technology Corporation (Harlan Wade) | Swan | Dark Purveyors (Zed, Vikke, Mariska, Josey & Lewis Legend) | Killabilly | Zombies | Forrest Blackwell | Rex Fury | Sauron | Black Hand of Sauron | Celebrimbor | Tower of Sauron | Hammer of Sauron | Lord Vortech | Children of Arkham (Vicki Vale, Oswald Cobblepot & Blockbuster) | Catwoman | Two-Face | Falcone Crime Family | Joe Chill | Victor Zsasz | John & Patricia Vale | Gotham Criminal Triumvirate (Thomas Wayne, Hamilton Hill & Carmine Falcone) | The Pact (Riddler, Harley Quinn, Bane, Mr. Freeze, John Doe & Eli Knable) | The Agency (Amanda Waller & Roger Harrison) | Rumi Mori | Willy Deever | S.A.N.C.T.U.S. | Zog the Eternal | Brûz the Chopper | Patricia Rakepick | Merula Snyde

Daffy Duck | Sylvester | Tasmanian Devil | Wile E. Coyote | Elmer Fudd | Yosemite Sam | Marvin the Martian | Instant Martians | Gossamer | Tom | Jerry | Spike | Butch

Crazy Taxi Driver | Cry Baby | Big Bad Wolf | Mr. Potato Head

See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Villains | A. Film Production Villains | Adventure Time Villains | Amblin Entertainment Villains | Animaniacs Villains | Aquaman Villains | Archieverse Villains | Arkhamverse Villains | Arrowverse Villains | Batgirl Villains | Batman Villains | Batman Beyond Villains | Batwoman Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Birds of Prey Villains | Black Lightning Villains | Blade Runner Villains | Blue Beetle Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | Captain Planet Villains | Cartoon Network Villains | Castle Rock Entertainment Villains | Catwoman Villains | Cats & Dogs Villains | Christopher Nolan Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Danmachi Villains | DC Animated Universe Villains | DC Animated Movie Universe Villains | DC Extended Universe Villains | DC Super Hero Girls Villains | DC's Legends of Tomorrow Villains | Die Hard Villains | Doom Patrol Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Dune Villains | Eraser Villains | Flash Villains | Fullmetal Alchemist Villains | Gotham Villains | Green Arrow Villains | Green Lantern Villains | Gremlins Villains | Harley Quinn Villains | Harry Potter Villains | Injustice Villains | Justice League Villains | Justice League Dark Villains | Justice Society Villains | Laika Villains | Legendary Entertainment Villains | Legion of Super-Heroes Villains | LEGO Dimensions Villains | Lethal Weapons Villains | Lollipop Chainsaw Villains | Loonatics Unleashed Villains | Looney Tunes Villains | Lucifer Villains | Mad Max Villains | Melanie Martinez Villains | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Villains | Middle-earth Villains | MonsterVerse Villains | Mortal Kombat Villains | New Line Cinema Villains | Pacific Rim Villains | Peacemaker Villains | Pokémon Villains | Powerpuff Girls Villains | Primal Villains | Rankin/Bass Villains | Regular Show Villains | Rick and Morty Villains | Robin Villains | Robot Chicken Villains | Rush Hour Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Sesame Street Villains | Scooby-Doo Villains | SHAZAM Villains | Sherlock Holmes Villains | Smallville Villains | South Park Villains | Space Jam Villains | Star Wars Villains | Static Shock Villains | Steel Villains | Stephen King Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Studiocanal Villains | SWAT Kats Villains | Suicide Squad Villains | Supergirl Villains | Superman Villains | Swamp Thing Villains | Syfy Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Telltale Batman Villains | Terminator Villains | The Addams Family Villains | The Banana Splits Movie Villains | The Conjuring Villains | The Hangover Villains | The LEGO Movie Villains | The Matrix Villains | Tim Burton Villains | Tiny Toon Adventures Villains | Tom and Jerry Villains | TMNT Villains | V for Vendetta Villains | Village Roadshow Pictures Villains | Watchmen Villains | Wild Wild West Villains | Wonder Woman Villains | Xiaolin Showdown Villains | Yu-Gi-Oh! Villains | Young Justice Villains

MGM Logo.png Villains

Animated Features
Princess Yakusha | Blue Meanies (Chief Blue Meanie & Max) | Suckophant | Terrible Trivium | Ralph and Al | Lizard Leader | John | Blue | Michael Corleone | Carole | Angelo Corleone | Molly | Sauron | Saruman | Gollum | Durin's Bane | Gríma Wormtongue | Witch-king of Angmar | Nazgûl | Orcs | Fellbeasts | Von Rothbart | Odile | Jenner | Dragon | NIMH | King Haggard | Red Bull | Mommy Fortuna | Celaeno | Captain Cully | Dr. Boycott | Lynn Driver | William Harbottle | Under Secretary | Dr. Goodner | Ackland | Mok Swagger | The Demon | Schlepper Brothers | What's Her Face | Mutants | Satan | Injun Joe | Evil Spirit | Walt | Vultor | The Jackals | Mr. Shadow | Radicals | Kanako | Claudia Furschtein | Klaus Furschtein | Sophie | Lord Maliss | Scowl the Owl & Batso the Bat | The Evil Queen | Flip | Nightmare King | Manta Ray | Carface Carruthers | Killer | Mean Street Dogs | Hellhound | Grand Duke of Owls | Hunch | Pinky | Frog Bouncers | Goblins (Prince Froglip, Goblin Queen & Goblin King) | Goblin Pets | The Swarm Lord | Drake | Leopard Seal | Red | King Wartlord | Vincent Volaju | Jacob Marley | Old Joe | Queen of Selenites | Emperor Maltazard | Ernest Davido | Darkos | King Malbert | Dr. Schadenfreude | Jaclyn | Scamper | Dr. Schadenfreude's Igor | Monsters | Brain | Dr. Glickenstein | Eva | Moriarty | Reggie and Ronnie | Lord Piggot-Dunceby | Willard Stenk | Mr. Collick | Willard Stenk's Accomplices | The Yeti Elder | Yeti Soldiers | Margaux Needler | Cyrus Strange

Live-Action Films
Wicked Witch of the West | Flying Monkeys | Winkie Guards | Wicked Witch of the East | Rhett Butler | India Wilkes | Curley | Messala | Humbert Humbert | Clare Quilty | Mrs. Iselin | Roger Furness | SPECTRE (Dr. Julius No, R.J. Dent, Miss Taro, Annabel Chung & Three Blind Mice) | Rosa Klebb | Kronsteen | Red Grant | Morzeny | Rhoda | Benz | SMERSH (Krilencu) | Auric Enterprises (Auric Goldfinger, Jill Masterson, Oddjob, Pussy Galore, Kisch, Mr. Ling, Mr. Solo, Jed Midnight & Jack Strap) | Flying Circus (Denise & Sydney) | Ernst Stavro Blofeld | Simone Clouseau | Charles Dreyfus | The Phantom/Sir Charles Lytton | Paul's Grandfather | Chico | Ramón Rojo | Miguel Rojo | Esteban Rojo | John Baxter | Capungo | Malness | Godzilla | Rodan | King Ghidorah | Emilio Largo | Fiona Volpe | Count Lippe | Angelo Palazzi | Colonel Jacques Bouvar | Quist | Vargas | Janni | Ricardo | El Indio | Groggy | Angel Eyes | Tuco | Corporal Wallace | Dr. Noah | Vesper Lynd | Le Chiffre | Mr. Osato | Helga Brandt | Hans | Adam Hart | HAL 9000 | Ratso Rizzo | Irma Bunt | Grunther | Felsen | Josef | Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd | Bambi and Thumper | Bertha Thompson | Big Bill Shelly | Rake Brown | Von Morton | Amafi | Wassa | Shimba | San Monique (Dr. Kananga, Tee Hee, Baron Samedi, Adam, Whisper, Dambala, Rosie Carver & Leroy) | Mr. Blue | Mr. Green | Mr. Grey | Mr. Brown | Hai Fat | Francisco Scaramanga | Nick Nack | Kra | Bartholomew | The Ultimate Depravity (President Curval, The Duke of Blangis, Bishop & The Banker Durcet) | Billy Nolan | Carrie White | Chris Hargensen | Donna and Mary Lila Grace Thibodeau | Helen Shyres | Margaret White | Mortimer Snerds | Ralph White | Tina Blake | Apollo Creed | Tony Gazzo | Stromberg Shipping Line (Karl Stromberg, Jaws, Liparus Captain, Liparus Crew, Naomi, Sandor, Professor Markovitz & Dr. Bechmann) | Mr. Chong | The French Connection | Pod People | Walter E. Kurtz | Bill Kilgore | Drax Industries (Hugo Drax & Chang) | Ramons (High Priest) | Alan Yates | Alan Yates' Crew (Jack Anders, Mark Tomaso & Faye Daniels) | Ya̧nomamö Tribe | Shamatari Tribe | Fu Manchu | Sador | Farmer Vincent | Jake LaMotta | Morgana le Fay | Mordred | John Lansdale's Severed Hand | Cropsy | Thetis | Calibos | Acrisius | Stygian Witches | Giant Scorpion | Calibos's Henchmen (Huntsman) | Medusa | Giant Vulture | Aris Kristatos | Emile Locque | Erich Kriegler | Hector Gonzales | Claus | Apostis | Burke | Susan Johnson | Burt Johnson | Poltergeists (Tree & Clown Doll) | James Clubber Lang | Donut | Thunderlips | Demons | Ligget County Sheriff Department (Will Teasle, Art Galt, Ward, Mitch Rogers, Balford & Shingleton) | Orval Kellerman | Clinton Morgan | Earl | Norma Cassidy | Rawley Wilkes | Octopus Cult (Octopussy, Magda, Kamal Khan, Gobinda, Mischka and Grischka & General Orlov) | Countess Chandra | Lieutenant Palmyra | Maximillian Largo | Fatima Blush | Scut Farkus | Grover Dill | Fukaire | Tax Collectors | Antonio Salieri | T-800 | Skynet | Malcolm Graves | Ghoulies | Quitters Inc. (Mr. Donatti) | Zorin Industries (Max Zorin, Scarpine, Hans Glaub, May Day, Jenny Flex, Pan Ho & Bob Conley) | The Countess | Stirba | Vlad | Mariana | Erle | Karen White | Ivan Drago | Nicolai Koloff | Ludmilla Drago | Manuel Vega | Sergei Rimsky | Soviet Leader | Torok the Troll | Bradford Whitewood Sr. | Bradford Whitewood Jr. | Reverend Henry Kane | Samson Tollet | Ray Sinclair | El Guapo | Bob Barnes | Bunny | Junior | Carlos Malfeitor | President Skroob | Dark Helmet | Pizza the Hutt | General Georgi Koskov | Brad Whitaker | Necros | Colonel Feyador | Imposter 00 Agent | OCP (Old Man, Richard Jones, Lt. Hedgecock & ED-209) | Clarence Boddicker | Emil Antonowsky | Leon Nash | Joe Cox | Steve Minh | Faith Stewart | Mary Lou Maloney | Grant Stayton III | Alan Santini | Queen Bavmorda | General Kael | Killer Klowns (Jumbo, Fatso, Shorty, Rudy, Slim, Spike, Bibbo, Chubby, Baby Killer Klowns, & Klownzilla) | Curtis Mooney | Pumpkinhead | Tony Russo | Connie Russo | Suette | Martin Thiel | Leslie Giles | Chucky | Eddie Caputo | Peddler | Damballa | Deputy Sheriff Clinton Pell | Peter Loew | Wavekrest Marine Research (Franz Sanchez, Sanchez Cartel, Milton Krest, Colonel Heller, William Truman-Lodge, Dario, Ed Killifer, Joe Butcher, Perez, Braun & Clive) | R. J. Fletcher | Boy | Snik | Robert "Bob" Patchett | Patrick Channing | Fred Frenger Junior | Dr. Juliette Faxx | Nuke Cult (Cain/RoboCop 2, Angie & Hob) | Elliot Marston | Sergeant Bauer | Pawnee | Corporal Spivey | Corporal Edwards | Major Grace | George Washington Duke | Tommy Gunn | Merlin Sheets | Karen | Union Cane | Annie Wilkes | Dennis Brown | Ray Brown | Luther | James | Saladene | Skeet | Buffalo Bill | Hannibal Lecter | Paul Krendler | Ronny Delaney | Harlan Puckett | Chuck De Nomolos | Evil Bill & Ted | Chance Wilder | Abigail Craven | Tully Alford | Witch | George Stark | CEO | Urban Rehabilitators (Paul McDaggett, Ōtomo & Kanemitsu) | Mr. Lee | Don John | Borachio | Carlito Brigante | David Kleinfeld | Benny Blanco | Pachanga | Vinny Taglialucci | Anthony Taglialucci | Ryan Gaerity | Ra | Anubis Guard | Horus Guards | Mosquitos | The Cat | Kesslee | Archibald Cunningham | Killearn | Andrew Carver | Janus Syndicate (Alec Trevelyan, Xenia Onatopp, Arkady Ourumov & Boris Grishenko) | Dawg Brown | Ernie McCraken | Mr. Buttinger | Frank DiVinci | Carver Media Group Network (Elliot Carver, Stamper, Henry Gupta, Captain Scott, Stealth Ship Crew, Dr. Kaufman, General Chang, Timblin, Satoshi Isagura, Jeff Hobbs, Philip Jones, Tom Wallace, Mary Golson, Beth Davidson & Tamara Steel) | King Louis XIV | Tall Man | Rachel Lang | King Industries (Elektra King, Renard, Gabor, Sasha Davidov, Mr. Bullion, Giulietta da Vinci, Mikhail Arkov, Trukhin & Lachaise) | Mason Verger | Rinaldo Pazzi | Cordell Doemling | Chutney Windham | Professor Callahan | Enrique Salvatore | Creeper | Graves Corporation (Gustav Graves, Miranda Frost, Zao, Vladmir Popov, Mr. Kil, Dr. Alvarez, General Han, General Li, General Dong & Van Bierk) | Dr. Brinkman | François Molay | Lucy Diamond | Victor Diaz | Samuel Bicke | Georges Rutaganda | Gregoire | John Ketcham | Mirror Queen | General Vavarin Delatombe | Dorothy Macha | French Paul | Selma Quickly | Great Aunt Adelaide | The Rabbi | Nana Mae Frost | Baron von Westphalen | Herod Sayle | Mr. Grin | Nadia Vole | Quantum (Mr. White, Steven Obanno, Alex Dimitrios, Adolph Gettler, Dryden, Valenka, Kratt, Mollaka Danso, Carlos Nikolic, Leo & Fisher) | Emperor Maltazard | Ernest Davido | Darkos | Billy | Agnes Lenz | Kyle Autry | Mrs. Lenz | Beauregard Rice | Vladis Grutas | Grutas' Group (Petras Kolnas, Zigmas Milko, Enrikas Dortlich, Bronys Grentz & Kazys Porvik) | Paul Momund | Dieter | Water Street Butcher | Michael Myers | Kendall Jacks | Noel Kluggs | Ronnie White | Steven Haley | Wesley Rhoades | Mrs. Carmody | The Mist | Samantha Tunnell | Hourglass | Lance Landers | Greene Planet (Dominic Greene, Elvis & Edmund Slate) | General Medrano | Colonel Carlos | Gregg Beam | Lieutenant Orso | Craig Mitchell | Yusef Kabira | Guy Haines | Marchetti Pilot | Gregor Karakov | Moishe Soref | The Tornado | Daniel "Danny" Rivers | Onigen | Noel Winters | Stretch | Sid Rourke | Ms. Cipher | Sander Sanderson | Shane | Stephanie | Spectre (Raoul Silva, Patrice, Severine & Boat Captain) | Trolls | Saruman | Gollum | Goblins (Great Goblin) | Azog | Bolg | Orcs (Yazneg & Torturer of Dol Guldur) | Smaug | Sauron | Nazgûl (Witch-king of Angmar) | Master of Laketown | OmniCorp (Raymond Sellars, Rick Mattox, Tom Pope & Liz Kline) | Antoine Vallon | Karen Dean | Thomas King | Lord Cotys | General Sitacles | King Eurystheus | Deputy Foster | Corey Holland | The Phantom Killer | Kirk | Eve Rafael | Tyler Harne | Deputy Stack | Emilio | Ernst Stavro Blofeld | Max Denbigh | Mr. Hinx | Marco Sciarra | Moreau | Dr. Vogel | Guerra | Abrika | Marshall | Valerian | Lorenzo | Gallo | Francesco and Marco | Ricky Conlan | Rachel Hennie | Bartholomew Bogue | McCann | Denali | The Voice | Barry Norris | Claire Shannon | Music Box | Darcie Chapman | Arthur Savage | Amber Altmyer | Misty Altmyer | Camilla Salander | Jan Holtser | Viktor Drago | The Duchess | Edward Scarka | Daniel | Lincoln Burgess | Hyde | Mo | Chucky (2019) | Evil Dolls | Larissa Good | Holda | Lyutsifer Safin | Valdo Obruchev | Logan Ash | Primo | Patrizia Reggiani

Direct-To-Video Features
Barnaby Crookedman | Martin Brisby | Dr. Valentine | Muriel and Floyd | Belladonna | Injurin' Joe | Owl

Animated Television
Blue Aardvark | The Grinch | Sour Kangaroo | Vlad Vladikoff | The Wickersham Brothers | The Scrambler | Giant Squid | Captain Nemo

Live-Action Television
Anubis | Sokar | Adria | Apophis | Serpent Guard | Replicators | Ba'al | Bone Machine | Lorne Malvo | Mr. Wrench | Mr. Numbers | Lester Nygaard | Sam Hess | Hanzee Dent | Dodd Gerhardt | Floyd Gerhardt | Bear Gerhardt | Mike Milligan | Joe Bulo | Kitchen Brothers | V.M. Varga | Yuri Gurka | Meemo | Ruby Goldfarb | Nikki Swango | Ray Stussy | Josto Fadda | Loy Cannon | Oraetta Mayflower | Gaetano Fadda | Constant Calamita | Odis Weff | Antoon Dumini | Ebal Violante | Donatello Fadda | Yiddles Milligan | Fred Waterford | Serena Waterford | Aunt Lydia

Video Games
Adrian Malprave | Nigel Bloch | Rafael Drake | Kiko Hayashi | Armitage Rook | Ninja | Nikolai Diavolo | Katya Nadanova | Arkady Yayakov

Tom | Jerry | Spike | Butch | The Little Man

See Also
007 Villains | 20th Century Studios Villains | A. Film Production Villains | Alvin and the Chipmunks Villains | Amazon Studios Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | Cannibal Holocaust Villains | Child's Play Villains | Cowboy Bebop Villains | Dollars Trilogy Villains | EuropaCorp Villains | Fargo Villains | Farrelly Brothers Villains | Giallo Villains | Hannibal Villains | Killer Klowns from Outer Space Villains | Laika Villains | Luc Besson Villains | Middle-earth Villains | Nepenthe Villains | Oz Villains | Pannonia Film Studio Villains | Pink Panther Villains | Ralph Bakshi Villains | Rambo Villains | Rankin/Bass Villains | Ridley Scott Villains | RoboCop Villains | Rocky Villains | Salo Villains | Sherlock Holmes Villains | Sony Pictures Villains | Stephen King Villains | Syfy Villains | The Addams Family Villains | Tom and Jerry Villains | Universal Studios Villains | Village Roadshow Pictures Villains | Warner Bros. Villains


Source: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Orcs_(Middle-earth)

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