If You Killed Some Bosses in Antorus Can You Join Someone Elses Instance and Kill Them Again

This article is about the final boss encounter of Antorus, the Burning Throne. For the lore of the titan named Argus, see Argus (titan). For other uses and appearances, see Argus (disambiguation).
Boss Argus the Unmaker
Image of Argus the Unmaker
Gender Male person
Race Titan (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Seat of the Pantheon, Antorus, the Burning Throne
Condition Killable
Antorus, the Called-for Throne

Garothi Worldbreaker
Felhounds of Sargeras
Antoran High Command
Portal Keeper Hasabel
Eonar the Life-Binder
Imonar the Soulhunter
The Coven of Shivarra
Argus the Unmaker



Argus the Unmaker is the final boss of Antorus, the Called-for Throne and the final raid encounter of World of Warcraft: Legion.

After defeating the corrupted Aggramar and freeing the Pantheon's spirits from the Coven of Shivarra, the raid and the corrupted globe-soul of Argus are taken to the Seat of the Pantheon to sever its connection to the Burning Legion. With the Pantheon's aid, the raid puts an terminate to the Burning Crusade.

Compared to the final battle with Kil'jaeden, Argus the Unmaker is an run into that has significantly fewer battle for survival elements and overlaps, with more focus on being a relatively short and intense come across where the death of even a unmarried DPS tin can cause the raid to lose valuable time and hitting the berserk timer. Skilful raid awareness is required, as a single mishandled ability can chop-chop snowball into a wipe.


  • 1 Gamble Guide
  • ii Overview
    • 2.ane Damage Dealers
    • 2.2 Healers
    • 2.3 Tanks
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Stage One: Storm and Sky
    • 3.2 Stage Two: The Protector Redeemed
    • 3.3 Stage Iii: The Cabalistic Masters
    • 3.4 Stage Iv: The Gift of Life, the Forge of Loss
    • three.5 Stage Three: The Cabalistic Masters
  • iv Strategy
    • 4.1 Phase 1
    • 4.2 Phase 2
    • 4.3 Stage 3
    • iv.4 Phase 4
  • 5 Loot
  • 6 Achievements
    • 7.1 Endmost cinematic
    • 7.2 Aftermath
  • 8 Videos
  • ix Patch changes
  • x External links

Risk Guide

Bound. Broken.
Eons of existence, knowing simply pain.
A shattered soul, fueling space evil.
The chief beckons. Rise... Rising!
Begin the end of all things.


The Unmaking of Creation: The Speaker has heard the anguished whispers of the Unmaker, an emerald star calling out from the darkness. Little is known of him, merely that his once-noble soul has been twisted by ages of endless torment.

Damage Dealer Alert Harm Dealers

  • Move into Gift of the Sky or Gift of the Bounding main to gain the ability of Golganneth. However, make sure you always move into the same one, as the effects are mutually exclusive!
  • If you are affected by Soulbomb, move to the Avatar of Aggramar to avert being killed by Soulbomb Detonation.
  • Collect the Motes of Titanic Power while yous are a ghost to empower Khaz'goroth, enabling him to cast Titanforging.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Players afflicted by Soulbomb and Soulburst will have heavy damage - make sure their health is high enough that they are not subsequently killed past Soulbomb Detonation and Soulburst Detonation.
  • If y'all are afflicted by Soulbomb, movement to the Avatar of Aggramar to avoid beingness killed by Soulbomb Detonation.
  • Once Gift of the Lifebinder is afflicted with Withering Roots, heal it to keep information technology alive then that players can employ information technology to come dorsum to life.
  • Collect the Motes of Titanic Ability while you are a ghost to empower Khaz'goroth, enabling him to cast Titanforging.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Alternating tanks on Argus to minimize Sweeping Scythe damage.
  • If yous are made the Avatar of Aggramar, you volition need to protect players affected by Soulbomb so they are not killed past Soulbomb Detonation.
  • Constellar Designates equipped with Sword of the Cosmos and Blades of the Eternal should exist tanked. Additionally, try to keep the Designate equipped with Sword of the Cosmos away from any other designates to avoid Cosmic Power stacking too high.


Stage One: Storm and Heaven

Phase 2: The Protector Redeemed

When Argus reaches 70% health, Golganneth begins to cast Golganneth's Wrath, clearing away any Decease Fog on the platform.

  • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.pngVolatile Soul  — At 100 Titanic Essence, Argus exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to 2 players and Soulbomb to one. The lingering abuse will so again apply Soulburst to two players when Argus reaches l Titanic Essence.
  • Ability argus soulbombdebuffsmall.pngSoulburst  — Inflicts 500000 Shadow harm every 3 sec. for fifteen sec. When Soulburst wears off, a Soulburst Detonation is triggered from the affected players location.
    • Spell fire twilightflamestrike.pngSoulburst Detonation  — Inflicts 2500000 Shadow harm to the afflicted player. On Normal difficulty and in a higher place, Soulburst Detonation inflicts upwards to 2500000 Shadow harm to all players. This corporeality is reduced the further away players are from the blast, upwardly to a maximum of 45 yards.
  • Ability argus soulbombdebufflarge.pngSoulbomb Deadly — Inflicts 750000 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec. When Soulbomb wears off, a Soulbomb Detonation is triggered from the afflicted players location.
    • Spell shadow shadowfury.pngSoulbomb Detonation  — Inflicts 10000000 Shadow harm to the afflicted role player. On Normal difficulty and in a higher place, Soulbomb Detonation inflicts upwards to 10000000 Shadow impairment to all players. This amount is reduced the further away players are from the nail, upwardly to a maximum of 45 yards.
  • Ability argus edgeofobliteration.pngEdge of Obliteration  — Manifests a scythe of nighttime free energy which travels in a line, inflicting 1250000 Physical harm every 2 sec. for 12 sec, and knocking back any players it comes into contact with.
  • Spell shadow deathpact.pngTortured Rage  — Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 1950000 to 2050000 Shadow damage to all players.
  • Inv polearm 2h titanargus d 01.pngSweeping Scythe Tank Alert — Cleaves players in a half-circumvolve in front end of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical impairment and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes by 200% for 15 sec. This event stacks.
  • Aggramar's Aid

Stage 3: The Arcane Masters

When Argus reaches 40% health, he is sufficiently weakened such that Aman'Thul is able to subdue him with a Temporal Blast. Nevertheless, the players must then contend with Argus' Constellar Designates.

  • The Constellar Designates
  • Norgannon'due south Help
    • Creatureportrait nexus floating disc.pngThe Discs of Norgannon  — Exposes elemental weaknesses in the Constellar Designates. Each Designate takes 100% increased harm from a single school.

Phase Four: The Gift of Life, the Forge of Loss

His Constellar Designates buying him the time to regain his strength, Argus kills the players with [Reap Soul]. All hope would be lost, were it not for the titans...

  • Achievement boss argus worldsoul.pngCease of All Things DeadlyImportantInterruptible — Argus ends creation, killing everything.
  • Ability warlock burningembersblue.pngEmber of Rage  — Argus' pure rage manifests as called-for embers of titanic energy, which fall to the platform and detonate, inflicting 3000000 Shadow damage immediately and 1000000 Shadow damage every ii sec. for xx sec to whatever players hit. This issue stacks.
  • Spell shadow deathpact.pngTortured Rage  — Argus strikes the ground in rage, inflicting 1950000 to 2050000 Shadow damage to all players.
  • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.pngVolatile Soul  — At 100 Titanic Essence, Argus exposes the volatility in living souls, applying Soulburst to ii players and Soulbomb to one. The lingering corruption will so again employ Soulburst to two players when Argus reaches 50 Titanic Essence.
  • Inv polearm 2h titanargus d 01.pngSweeping Scythe Tank Alert — Cleaves players in a half-circle in forepart of him, inflicting 6000000 Concrete damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Sweeping Scythes past 200% for xv sec. This effect stacks.
  • Inv polearm 2h titanargus d 01.pngDeadly Scythe Tank Alert — Cleaves players in a half-circle in front of him, inflicting 6000000 Physical damage and increasing harm taken by subsequent Deadly Scythes by 200%. This result lasts forever and stacks.
  • Reorigination Modules  — Reorigination Modules volition begin an Initialization Sequence when created. When their health is consumed, they volition cast Reorigination Pulse.
  • The Spirit World
    • Hungering Souls  — Hungering Souls stem the spirit world, released by Argus' wrath. If they come into contact with any ghosts they will burst, applying Soul Detonation to any nearby ghosts.
      • Spell shadow soulleech 3.pngSoul Detonation  — Knocks dorsum nearby ghosts and reduces their movement speed past 60% for viii sec.
  • Motes of Titanic Power  — When Reorigination Modules complete a Reorigination Pulse, their Titanic energy is released into the Spirit World equally Motes of Titanic Power. Players can walk into these to collect them, granting Khaz'goroth Titanic Essence that he can use to fuel his Titanforging ability.
  • Eonar's Aid
    • Gift of the Lifebinder  — Eonar causes the Gift of the Lifebinder to spring forth to save the players. While the Gift of the Lifebinder lives, players may freely Release Spirit after dying. If players motion to the tree as ghosts, they volition be returned to life, at the price of some of the Gift of the Lifebinder'south Life Energy. When the Gift of the Lifebinder'southward Life Energy is depleted, it becomes the Withered Gift of the Lifebinder.
      • Withered Souvenir of the Lifebinder  — Players may heal the Withered Souvenir of the Lifebinder. Additionally, when they use information technology to resurrect, it is afflicted by Withering Roots.
        • Inv misc herb fireleaf bramble.pngWithering Roots  — Inflicts 850000 Nature damage every one sec. This effect stacks.
  • Khaz'goroth's Aid  — When Khaz'goroth has at least 20 Titanic Essence, he volition begin to channel Titanforging. Players can collect Motes of Titanic Power within the Spirit World to grant Khaz'goroth Titanic Energy.

Phase 3: The Arcane Masters Heroic Difficulty

When Argus reaches 40% wellness, he is sufficiently weakened such that Aman'Thul is able to subdue him with a Temporal Blast. Or so information technology seems...


This fight requires 2 tanks. [Bloodlust] abilities should be saved for the final phase when Titanforging is cast on the raid. The fight'southward mechanics favor having more ranged DPS than melee due to there existence adds at separate corners of the loonshit in the final phase, as well as having an easier time with Soul Blight in Phase 1 and interrupting adds in Phase 3. Throughout the fight, except for Phase three, Argus will exist causing raid-wide harm with Tortured Rage, which does high enough impairment to kill players at medium-low health.

Phase 1

Tanks should position Argus in the center of the room and confront him away from the raid. This will let the tanks to avoid striking the grouping with the dominate' Sweeping Scythe, a frontal cone assault that puts a debuff on anyone it hits that increases their physical harm taken. The tanks should swap every 3-four stacks.

DPS and healers should stay clumped in a single group to control where Argus will hit with his Cone of Death. This ability places a large cone of Expiry Fog on the ground where he strikes and can be targeted at any a random non-tank thespian. Past having everyone in the same spot and with enough of fourth dimension to dodge as Argus winds upward his assault, players should be able to keep the Death Fog roofing the arena to a minimum by placing the Cones of Death correct adjacent to each other. During this time, Argus will also exist placing Soul Blight Orbs on random not-tank players. Once this debuff expires, it will create a large patch of Death Fog on the ground around affected histrion. If one explodes in the group, it is likely at least one person caught in the blast will dice before being able to move out of the fog. The players with Soul Blight must blitz to the back of the room adjacent to the residual of the Death Fog to drib their debuffs abroad from everyone else.

Finally, Golganneth volition aid the players with Orbs of Ocean and Orbs of Heaven. He will identify 2 debuffs on random players that volition upshot in them dropping 2 orbs on the ground once they elapse: a watery 1 and a lightning i. The Orb of Sea will give players increased Haste and Versatility, while the Orb of Sky gives Mastery and Critical Striking Chance. Once these orbs are out, players can walk through them to get the buff that they need more for their class. Though only 1 type of buff can be up at a fourth dimension, the effects can stack each time a new prepare of orbs are out. It is important for the players who have the debuff to drib them close enough to the group for their fellow players to reach them, but far away enough so that orbs are not dropped onto players who do not desire a certain blazon of buff. A few feet from the clumped up group of DPS and healers is typically sufficient. Overall, this phase is about keeping your desired vitrify upwardly and stacking, while ensuring the Decease Fog is covering equally little of the room as possible.

Phase 2

When the boss hits 70%, he will briefly stop casting Sweeping Scythe and Golganneth volition wash away the Decease Fog with a massive tempest. Everyone must stack in the heart of the room and just focus on hurting Argus while the storm goes on. Every bit soon as it ends, Argus volition start casting his Sweeping Scythe again and begin casting Edge of Obliteration. This ability causes energy scythes to appear in random locations around the arena and bear witness lines across the footing where they will shoot across the room. Simply stay out of the lines to avoid the damage.

The dominate' most impactful ability in this phase is Soulburst. Argus will place iii Soulburst Orbs on random not-tank players that will deal deadly damage to any players who are nearby when the debuff expires. He will as well cast 1 Soulbomb, which will outright kill the player it is afflicted with and anyone nearby when it expires. To survive this, Aggramar will give one tank the Avatar of Aggramar buff, giving him increased health and a small circumvolve around him which allows anyone who stands in the circle to survive lethal damage.

To ensure everyone survives Soulburst, the raid should designate markers on 5 corners of the room: 1 corner for the tank without Avatar to tank Argus, 3 for the players with Soulburst Orbs to safely detonate without hurting anyone, and i corner for the Avatar tank and the thespian with Soulbomb to stack safely. So long as the raid has skillful awareness and pre-plans where to place the Soulbursts and Soulbomb, no ane should be dying in this phase.

Phase 3

Every bit Argus reaches 40%, Aman'Thul will effort to bind Argus, but to end upwards dividing Argus into 7 Constellar Designates. These seven adds all need to be killed in order to move to the final stage. They ordinarily cast Star Blast, which does negligible damage, and target random players with Catholic Ray. Just ensure that no other players are hit with the ray and the affected thespian should have similarly niggling harm. The true threat of these Constellar Designates is Cosmic Beacon. This is a 10-2nd long cast that volition identify a hard-hitting debuff on the entire raid. This effect stacks and even 2 stacks of Catholic Beacon tin can potentially crusade players to die. Thus, the raid should assign at least i ranged actor to exist on the lookout to chop-chop interrupt the Cosmic Beacon casts.

About ten seconds into the stage, Norgannon will use identify a debuff onto each of the adds which causes them to take damage from a item school of harm: Nature, Fire, Ice, Cabalistic, Holy, Shadow, and Physical damage. For instance, a Retribution Paladin'south Holy harm will be increased by 200% against the add with the Holy weakness. Use these debuffs to your class' reward, only know that interrupting Cosmic Beacon always takes priority.

Finally, shortly afterward the phase begins, two of the adds will gain weapons and begin meleeing the raid for high amounts of damage. The tanks demand to immediately pick these adds up and the DPS must focus them down, regardless of what type of bonus impairment they accept as these adds are strong plenty to seriously threaten the tanks with their melee attacks alone.

As with the second pause stage with Kil'jaeden, this phase poses less threat than the rest of the phases and is meant to run out the clock until Argus' berserk timer, as the DPS must be high to take downward all the adds earlier too much fourth dimension runs out.

Phase 4

One time the last Constellar Designate is killed, Argus will reform, trap the raid, and immediately impale everyone in the raid, even reviving anyone previously killed in the encounter, but to kill them again. After a bit of RP, Eonar volition let anybody's spirits to release and run to the Gift of Eonar (a large glowing tree) to revive themselves. In one case everyone is upward, DPS Argus until he is virtually finished with his Finish of All Things cast. At which indicate, you must interrupt him and the concluding phase volition brainstorm.

Beating this stage requires understanding the Gift of Eonar and how death is used as a resources to exist managed. There is no style around players dying in this phase, it will happen quite often. Releasing volition let a actor run around the arena in ghost grade and assemble Motes of Titanic Power, which will allow Khaz'goroth to bandage Titanforging on the raid, increasing everyone'south attack and healing past 50%. This helps the players safely and quickly deal with the adds in this phase, go Argus downwardly faster, and increase survivability by increasing their healing. Hence, in one case a role player is downwardly, they must come across where they accept died and assess how easy it will be become orbs while dodging the Hungering Soul adds that wander around the spirit world. Walking to the tree once again volition revive the thespian, just this tin can only exist done a limited number of times earlier the tree begins to wither (shown by information technology condign gray instead of green) and eventually dice, leaving those who die with no way to come back outside of boxing resurrections and the only thing to do is to gather more than motes.

Argus will continue using his Soulburst and Soulbomb debuffs from Phase 2, just this time, there is no Avatar of Aggramar to soak the bombs. Thus, the one afflicted with Soulbomb is only going to die unless they have any immunity they can use to survive. The Soulburst players must just motion abroad from where Argus is beingness tanked and the rest of the raid to minimize raid-wide harm. If non handled well, the Soulbursts volition kill players, especially when they are currently also receiving damage from Argus' Tortured Rage casts. Healers will exist put to the test in this phase keeping anybody alive for as long every bit possible before they dice. Those who run out of mana may desire to consider dying and coming back if Eonar's Gift has enough free energy left to spare. The raid as well needs to dodge the Embers of Rage that fall from the heaven in a swirl pattern. If these embers are slowing down your game'southward performance, turning downwardly the particle effects in settings volition help quite a scrap.

Finally, the near deadly mechanic of this phase are the Reorigination Modules, large shining orbs. These v orbs that spawn around the room will slowly cast Initialization Sequence, then aggrandize an area of Death Fog-like black that does lethal damage to those who stand in information technology. If left unchecked, the fog will encompass the loonshit and everyone will die. Ranged-heavy groups accept an easier time dealing with this mechanic as they can more hands hit every orb that spawns. Melee-heavy raids may want to consider watching the raid-timers on DBM and spreading out but prior to the orbs coming out, allowing them to more easily impale the nodes before they begin expanding.

Overall, this phase has a ton of damage going out and requires very heavy healing and strong DPS to both impale the orbs and Argus earlier the berserk timer hits. This requires players speedily reacting to abilities equally they happen and keeping Titanforging upwardly for as long as possible. So long as the raid does not tunnel on Argus and ignore the Reorigination Modules, they will be able to proceed damage high and casualties to a minimum.


Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

  • [Scythe of the Unmaker]



Cutscene plays.
Magni Bronzebeard says: All right, everybody... Agree on!
Cinematic starts. Magni and the raid arrive at the Seat of the Pantheon.
Magni Bronzebeard: The seat of the Pantheon.
The Pantheon apace manifests in their respective thrones and begin channeling energies into the globe soul of Argus, hoping to sever his connexion to Sargeras. Withal, the world soul turns red and lashes out, knocking the titans back and surging dangerously. In the distance, an ominous green cloud swirling over Azeroth pulses as a booming vox addresses the raid and the Pantheon.
Sargeras: That which you accept stolen will be your undoing.
The world soul manifests equally Argus the Unmaker.
Sargeras: Rise, Argus. Rise, my broken world.
Argus the Unmaker lets out a roar of fury matched only by its countless torment. A scythe born of celestial energies manifests in his hand.
Aman'Thul: Mortals... The time has come to fight for the fate of your earth.
  • Expiry! Death and pain!
  • The master demands your doom!
Sea and Sky
Aman'Thul yells: The might of sea and sky must aid our champions, Golganneth!
Phase 2
Aman'Thul yells: Let the fury of the body of water wash abroad this corruption!
Avatar of Aggramar
Aman'Thul yells: Aggramar! Lend these mortals your forcefulness, blood brother!
Phase three
Argus the Unmaker yells: No hope. Merely pain. Merely hurting!
Aman'Thul yells: Fourth dimension answers to me, Unmaker! The one force that can bind your relentless fury!
Phase 4
Argus the Unmaker yells: End it all!
Aman'Thul yells: No! Later all we have endured... it must not finish this way!
Eonar yells: Hope is not lost, Highfather. The spark of life still flickers inside these mortals.
Eonar yells: Arise, champions! Fight to relieve your earth!
Killing a player
  • Ended!
  • Know the darkness!
  • A merciful release!
  • All life ends.
  • Master! I go to claim your prize!
  • My torment... ends...
  • Is it... over?
  • Free... complimentary...
Unused quotes
  • Aggramar: One amid them shall serve as the vessel for my power, Highfather.
  • Aman'Thul: Norgannon! Your peachy heed may betrayal our enemy'south weakness!
  • Aman'Thul: The rage of the Unmaker surges! Chop-chop, heroes! Strike down these constructs!
  • Aman'Thul: Using their power, I shall bend the strands of time to help our crusade.
  • Aman'Thul: Khaz'goroth! Forge these heroes in our epitome!
  • Aman'Thul: The mortals take fallen. The terminal titan... cannot be saved.
  • Aman'Thul: Our champions have fallen. Nothing can cease the terminate of all things.
  • Aman'Thul: Our crusade is lost. The Burning Cause will consume us all.
Illidan Stormrage: It matters not. Nosotros accept lost. Look to the skies!
Prophet Velen: Sargeras will presently undo all nosotros accept fought for.
Aman'Thul: No.
Aman'Thul: We will apply the last glimmer of Argus'south power to bind him here. The Seat of the Pantheon shall become Sargeras's prison house... and ours too.
Prophet Velen: Y'all would condemn yourselves to stop him?
Aman'Thul: A cede must be made.
Illidan Stormrage: Our world must survive... no matter the price!
Aman'Thul: Return home, children of Azeroth. Protect the final titan.
High Exarch Turalyon: Prophet... what happened out there?
Prophet Velen: Illidan serves as the Night Titan's jailer. His sacrifice has ended the Legion. At long last, the Called-for Crusade... is over.

Closing cinematic

With Argus fallen, Aman'Thul addresses the champions of Azeroth.
Aman'Thul: You have done well, mortals.
Eonar: It is time.
Aman'Thul: We must gather our strength. Render home, children of Azeroth.
As the Vindicaar teleports the others away, Velen turns to Illidan.
Prophet Velen: Illidan... we've done all we can.
Illidan Stormrage: Every pick, every sacrifice has led me to THIS moment.
Illidan stares at an empty throne in the Seat of the Pantheon - the throne of Sargeras.
Illidan Stormrage: To face HIM once once again.
Prophet Velen: You... are not coming with us?
Illidan Stormrage: The hunter is cypher without the hunt. Did you lot non run across this fate, Prophet?
Prophet Velen: Fate? Our survival was never in fate'southward hands.
Smiling knowingly, Illidan approaches the throne.
Prophet Velen: Light be with you, Illidan Stormrage.
As Velen is teleported away, the Vindicaar breaks off and travels back through the rift to Azeroth. The Pantheon seat themselves in their thrones and aqueduct their powers into a great astral beam that passes the Vindicaar, breaking through to the night cloud enveloping Azeroth.
Aman'Thul: Brother! Your crusade is over!
As Velen, Magni, and Khadgar lookout man aboard the Vindicaar, the infernal course of Sargeras himself is pulled from the nighttime cloud, roaring with rage. He glares bitterly at the energies threatening to pull him from his long-sought prize.
Sargeras: NO!
Summoning a massive sword, Sargeras stabs it through the atmosphere of Azeroth and deep into its surface before the pull of the Pantheon becomes too strong. As he is pulled away, Sargeras tries in vain to grab the fleeing Vindicaar, before he is teleported into his throne in the Seat of the Pantheon. Illidan stands before him, blades at the set.
Illidan Stormrage: At final...
With a flash, the rift opened by the [Sargerite Keystone] closes. Watching the blinking star that remains, Velen sighs and closes his eyes, relieved that the Called-for Cause is at last over. Just down on the surface of Azeroth, the blade of Sargeras stands above the gaping wound it left in the sands of Silithus...


Alleria Windrunner
My heart soars to render to Azeroth alongside Arator and Turalyon. To see the forests of my homeland once over again.
And nevertheless...
Vereesa told me what has befallen Sylvanas. Though I dread the meeting, I must run across with my own eyes what she has become.
Is she even my sister anymore? Or some Light-forsaken monster?
Just of form, I have changed as well. The powers at my command may cause some to question my loyalties.
<Alleria draws in a long breath.>
I must remain calm, focused. There is much to ponder...
Arator the Redeemer
I found them! At long last, I found them.
<Arator's grin gives way to a look of doubt.>
The two people who gave me life... take been absent for all of it. I know they fought to proceed me safety, that they sacrificed and so much. And withal...
We cannot suddenly become a happy family. They know next to naught most me, and I know only legends of them. We have much to learn about one another, and many wounds to heal.
Merely at least we will do it together.
Archmage Khadgar
The campaign against the Legion has been long and wearying. We accept traversed entire worlds, spanned the Twisting Nether itself to finally achieve victory.
I am tired, <proper name>. Even so nosotros cannot rest.
Magni's visions of doom shake me to my very core. Simply one titan remains, champion, and we must defend it.
Grand Artificer Romuul
The Vindicaar may have been untested when we set up out on this entrada, but she saw us safely dwelling house.
All those transport upgrades were worth it, yes?
Do not answer. Information technology would only break my heart.
A ship'south engineer's work is e'er underappreciated.
High Exarch Turalyon
At long concluding, the war is over.
Part of me never expected to survive to run across this twenty-four hour period. So many battles. So much loss.
<Turalyon sighs, his eyes brimming with a flood of emotions.>
Now we render domicile to a globe I haven't walked in a thousand years.
My old life is long past. Information technology is fourth dimension to build a new i, and get to know the son who embodies everything I fought for.
When the High Exarch ordered me to Azeroth, I was reluctant to exit his side. I felt someone else would be meliorate suited to the task.
Now, though, I understand why he did it. He wanted to give me a glimpse of what he and Lady Alleria accept been fighting for.
Our state of war may be over, merely many battles lie alee. Just because the Legion is defeated doesn't mean every demon in existence has surrendered.
<Lothraxion clenches his fist and smiles.>
Not all the same, at to the lowest degree.
Magni Bronzebeard

Stub.png Delight add together any available information to this section.

Prophet Velen
Countless nights I dreamt of returning to Argus. Of seeing what became of my home. Of saving it.
<Velen is quiet for a long moment.>
There was no conservancy to exist had. But we did observe victory.
What comes adjacent, I cannot say. But I will not expect for visions to guide me. I will exercise all I tin to support King Anduin, and to ensure he is prepared to confront the threat that looms in the darkness.
Vereesa Windrunner
Alleria has inverse. She wields powers I practice not fully embrace. But in her heart, she remains my beloved sister. I know it.
The news of Sylvanas weighs heavily upon her. There are matters to exist settled... face up to face.
The Windrunner sisters must run across. And in that location is merely 1 place it can be done.


  • Seat of the Pantheon - Ascension of Argus Cinematic
  • Antorus Ending Cinematic

Patch changes

  • Legion Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): Added.

External links


Source: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Argus_the_Unmaker

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